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Myesha Reuteler
Myesha Reuteler

Can Am Buds Software 20


Can Am BUDS Software 20: What You Need to Know

If you own a BRP vehicle, such as a SeaDoo, Skidoo, CanAm ATV, SSV, Spyder or Ryker, you may have heard of the BUDS software. BUDS stands for BRP Utility and Diagnostic Software, and it is a tool that allows you to diagnose, troubleshoot and repair your BRP vehicle using a computer and a special interface device.

BUDS software has been around for a while, but in 2016/2017, BRP rolled out a new version called BUDS2. BUDS2 is required for some late MY17 and mandatory on all MY18 and newer BRP products[^1^]. BUDS2 is different from the original BUDS in several ways. For example, BUDS2 was developed in partnership with KPIT Technologies, a global leader in automotive software solutions[^1^]. BUDS2 also has a more user-friendly interface, faster performance and more features than BUDS.

Some of the features that BUDS2 offers are:

Resetting maintenance warnings and trip hours

Changing customer name, model number, engine number and VIN number

Erasing and adding keys

Enabling and disabling DESS (Digitally Encoded Security System)

Viewing history in hours rather than percentage

Clearing history block ECM (Engine Control Module), MPEM (Multi-Purpose Electronic Module) and CLUSTER (Instrument Cluster)

Cleaning unit ECM, MPEM and CLUSTER "as new"

Viewing more information blocks

Installing Secure Code

Editing timing curves for 2-stroke vehicles

Boosting SeaDoo Spark from 60hp to 90hp

To use BUDS2 software, you need a special device called MPI-3 (Multi Protocol Interface). This device connects your computer to your BRP vehicle via USB or Bluetooth. You also need a license key that matches your vehicle type and model year. There are different types of license keys available, such as SEADOO PWC & BOATS, SKIDOO & LYNX, ATV & SSV, SPYDER & RYKER and ALL-DEALER / DEALER TECHNICIAN. The license key determines what features and functions you can access with BUDS2 software.

If you want to unlock even more advanced features that are not available to the ordinary dealer, you can get a MEGATECH / MECHATRONIC EXPERT license key. This key allows you to do things like changing VIN numbers, disabling DESS theft systems and changing rev limiters on some 2-stroke models[^2^]. However, this key is not recommended for beginners or inexperienced users, as it can cause irreversible damage to your BRP vehicle if used incorrectly.

BUDS2 software is a reliable and robust software that has been tested and used worldwide. It also has high-quality technical support and regular updates to ensure that it is always working optimally[^3^]. If you want to get the most out of your BRP vehicle, BUDS2 software is a must-have tool for diagnosis, maintenance and repair.

How to Install BUDS2 Software

If you want to use BUDS2 software on your computer, you need to download and install it first. You can download the latest version of BUDS2 software from the official website of BRP or from other trusted sources. To install BUDS2 software, you need to run the installation file called "BUDS2_XX.X.X.exe". If you are not logged in as Windows administrator, you need to run the installation program as Windows administrator. To do this, right-click on the installer and click on "Run as Administrator". Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.

How to Use BUDS2 Software

Once you have installed BUDS2 software on your computer, you can start using it to diagnose and repair your BRP vehicle. To use BUDS2 software, you need to connect your computer to your BRP vehicle using the MPI-3 device. You can connect the MPI-3 device to your computer via USB or Bluetooth. You also need to connect the MPI-3 device to your BRP vehicle using the appropriate cable. The cable type depends on your vehicle model and year. For example, for SeaDoo PWCs, you need a DESS post cable. For CanAm ATVs and SSVs, you need a 6-pin diagnostic cable.

After connecting your computer and your BRP vehicle with the MPI-3 device and the cable


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